Having presence on social media is important. Allowing your audience to feel connected and see your progress helps your company grow. Blogging is a key component to getting your name out there. All it takes is for one person to share your blog and the rest is history. Now optimizing your blog posts may take some time. Success with SEO doesn’t happen overnight, but here are some tips on how to drive traffic to your blog posts.

Generate the overall goal

The first step to writing any blog post is to determine the goal of the post. Make sure your topics vary to keep audience members engaged. When writing your blog you need to keep in mind what you want to happen. This can be:

  • Persuading and winning over people to your perspective on a certain topic
  • Showing off your company and its talents
  • Attracting the attention of new audience viewers
  • Promoting a product or service

Regardless of what you select, make sure you are fully aware of what the blog is going to be about, in order to allow your authentication to show and create an overall awesome post.  

Identify the audience that needs to be reached

Knowing the type of audience you want to reach is similar to the first step of planning out your post. Make sure you have the audience predetermined going in. So maybe you are testing out the waters and trying to draw in potential new readers. Or you could be completely satisfied with the readers you have acquired, and keep the blog style the same. When trying to get a message out quickly targeting your influencers would be vital, as they can rely and broadcast your message. Planning out these simple details will benefit your company and blog posts in the long run.

Keyword Research

Conducting keyword research inevitably helps your blog post. Learning what words are working and attracting viewers is what makes your site prosperous. Selecting around three to five keyword phrases to target is the most ideal because typically you are able to boost a single post. The goal that everyone should strive to have is a high volume, low difficulty and high click-through rate. This essentially means that there are good amounts of people who search for it, it’s not that difficult to rank and the features are kept to a minimum to ensure to your ranking with web content. When it comes to doing your research with other competitors take note of what seems to be working for them. If you see that including images or videos attracts more viewers, try figuring out which blog posts are able to incorporate those features.

Another vital component when conducting your keyword research is to make sure that they all have the same searcher intent. This means that when people are searching those selected keywords they are all trying to accomplish the same goal. Allowing your keywords to relay the same message in different styles, will allow your company to have an increased likelihood of being reached.

Making your blog post

Now this part is where your creativity and uniqueness comes into play. You have already figured out what the goal of your post is going to be and generated keyword research and learned what people are looking for in a topic, as well as other competitors. This is your chance to shine and make people want your company, learning what you have to offer over another competitor. Remaining authentic to your brand and giving the audience what they want will play into your blogs success. Generating content that goes beyond just writing keeps interest. Figure out if the post can include an image or anything to help stand out from the rest. Allow the option for viewers to comment on your blog post to build a higher level of connectivity and willingness to hear what your audience has to say. If you are able to reach your target audience and gain new recognition from your blog posts, than you are headed in the right direction of driving traffic to your blogs.

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