How beneficial is the use of remarketing exactly? Sources have shown that remarketed users are 70% more likely to convert. Now before we learn why the use of remarketing is imperative to the success of your business, lets discuss what remarketing is.

What is Remarketing?

Remarketing shows ads to people who visited your website on a device, but did not convert. As opposed to other PPC methods, remarketing only targets individuals who took interest in your website and didn’t fully commit.

How Remarketing Works

This tool is quite easy actually. All you have to do is insert a snippet of code on your website, called a tag or pixel, and decided whether you want to track all of the sites traffic or only specific portions of the pages.  Learning how to implement remarketing on sites such as Google and Facebook will help you reach a larger audience. One of the perks of remarketing is its ability to serve up hyper-targeted content to the right individual at the right stage of the business cycle. Now what plays a huge effect in remarketing is the use of remarketing lists. These lists sort users into categories and tell certain sites which ads to display. For example, this can range from the girl who visited your landing page, but didn’t download the white paper.  Or the gentleman who abandoned his shopping cart without making a purchase.

These users would be placed on separate lists, and be shown a different ad approach, in order to attain those users. There can also be circumstances where a user may visit all pages, and that makes them eligible for many ads.

Remarketing facts that will blow your mind

If you don’t think that remarketing is useful, take a look at these statistics:

  • The average click-through rate of remarketing ads is 10-times higher than normal display ads.
  • Website visitors who are served remarketing ads are 70% more likely to convert.
  • On average just 2% of web users convert on the first visit. Remarketing is able to make the rest commit.

Remarketing creates success

The overall success of any remarketing campaign depends solely on your goals and as well as the type of campaign you are running: brand campaign or direct response.

When creating a brand campaign the main goal is generating buzz about your company and all the benefits it has to offer. The most important remarketing metrics that will give your company the greatest returns are:

  • Impressions (how many times someone saw your ad)
  • Brand Lift (measures brand awareness and purchase interest)
  • Engagement (did users take action and click on the ad/ comment?)
  • CPM (cost per thousand impressions)

With a direct response campaigns, the main goal is to retrieve as many conversions as possible. The goals are as follows:

  • Conversions (users clicked the ad and filed out a form)
  • Click-through rate
  • Conversion Rate
  • CPA (Cost per acquisition)

The best part about remarketing would have to be its extreme fluidity. You are able to adjust ads and make the necessary improvements, in order to fully reach your desired audience.

Make blog readers subscribers

Try making a remarketing list for those individuals who visit your blog. This will allow them to be alerted every time you post a new blog and encourages them to subscribe. Essentially it’s like e-mail marketing without having an actual email list.

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